FSES Fabulous 5th Grade Team

FSES Fabulous 5th Grade Team
Committed to Excellence

Blog Archive

Monday, November 27, 2017

P.E. Constructed Response AND a thank you!

Explain why soccer players should use the inside of their foot instead of their toe to kick a soccer ball.
Use evidence from physical education class or your own experience to help you answer the question. 3rd-5th grade MUST us the 1-2-3 method.


Thank you!
We would like to thank all parents and students who joined us at the viewing of Wonder.  Your participation was appreciated!!

Week of November 27th

Mrs. Anderson's Classes

We will have a end of unit test this week.  Please have your child to study.  It's all about decimals this week.  We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Please have your child to practice math using the websites TenMarks.com and educationgalaxy.com .  TenMarks login information for parents will be sent home Monday.  Please don't forget to ask your child for this very important document. 

Websites:  Khanacademy.org, studyjams.scholastic.com, funbrain.com, IXL.com

Decimal Models Demonstration 

Please look out for the classification study guide this week.  We will have our end of unit of test when we return from the holiday break.  We will continue to study our classification unit.  Students will need to study the following: five kingdoms, classification chart (phylum, class, order, family, genus, species), classes of animals (birds, mammals, amphibians, and fish), vertebrate and invertebrate, non-vascular and vascular plants, gymnosperm, angiosperm, xylem, phloem

Interactive Website for Classification
 studyjams.scholastic.com,  sheppardsoftware.com

Ms. Summers' Classes
We will begin our study of fractions.  We are will focus on converting, comparing, adding and subtracting, and multiplying and dividing them.  It is important that you also continue to multiply and divide (whole numbers and decimals) at home as well.
Did you know:  The homework is a great way to see what we are doing in class.  The Khan Academy link on the blog has tutorial videos that can help you, the parent, as well as your child practice the strategies we teach in class.  Edmodo is also a good resource for tutorial videos and practice games.
**Math homework will be given Monday to be turned in on Friday.  This is taken as a grade if completed, so please use the homework to review concepts with your child.  Xtramath can also be used to increase math fluency.


We will review subjects and predicates as well as affixes.  I will start to incorporate an Affix study to help with vocabulary.  
Our mentor text for the week is Wonder.  We will read the chapter entitled "Wake me up When September Ends".  
Our vocabulary words for the week are: NONE (we will begin with affixes)

Please utilize Edmodo for games and tutorial videos at home.

Ms. Palmer's Classes
We will be reviewing decimals this week. Students will be assessed on Friday.

Homework will be given on Mondays and will be collected on Friday mornings
Please have students log on to xtramath.org in their spare time, to help with basic fact fluency. Also, tenmarks.com is an awesome resource for students to practice concepts taught in class. Students have login information in their agendas.

We are working on building strong introductions for our informational writing. We will begin drafting our information, and learning about the structure to a great informational essay. 

No Writing Homework.

Ms. Hill's Class
Decimals! Decimals! Decimals! We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals. This week students will primarily focus on dividing with decimals. Students will take decimal test on Friday.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. Please encourage your child to complete homework daily. 
Websites:  Khanacademy.org, iLearn, X-traMath, Studyjams.scholastic.com,

Social Studies-

We will continue to focus on a Changing Nation. This week your child will focus on famous inventors, scientist, and other notable key figures. Students are in need of more glue sticks, color pencils or crayons. These items are used almost daily to complete interactive notebooks. Key historical figures : The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, & Alexander Graham Bell. 

Mrs. Griggs' Classes

This week we will continue working with decimals - adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. We will also focus on reviewing place value,  multiplication fluency, and division.
Vocabulary Focus:  decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, compare
Website:  Khanacademy.org 

In reading this week we will focus on informational text. Our new extended text is The Watsons go to Birmingham.  Thank you to all of the families that came out to support the students when we gathered at Arbor Place Cinema to see Wonder.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Week of November 13th

Mrs. Anderson's Classes

We will have a end of unit test this week.  Please have your child to study.  It's all about decimals this week.  We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Please have your child to practice math using the websites TenMarks.com and educationgalaxy.com .  TenMarks login information for parents will be sent home Monday.  Please don't forget to ask your child for this very important document. 

Websites:  Khanacademy.org, studyjams.scholastic.com, funbrain.com, IXL.com

Decimal Models Demonstration 

Please look out for the classification study guide this week.  We will have our end of unit of test when we return from the holiday break.  We will continue to study our classification unit.  Students will need to study the following: five kingdoms, classification chart (phylum, class, order, family, genus, species), classes of animals (birds, mammals, amphibians, and fish), vertebrate and invertebrate, non-vascular and vascular plants, gymnosperm, angiosperm, xylem, phloem

Interactive Website for Classification
 studyjams.scholastic.com,  sheppardsoftware.com

Ms. Summers' Classes
We will continue to work with decimals.  We are writing with them, reading them,  modeling them and adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with them.  It is important that you also continue to multiply and divide at home as well.
Did you know:  The homework is a great way to see what we are doing in class.  The Khan Academy link on the blog has tutorial videos that can help you, the parent, as well as your child practice the strategies we teach in class.  Edmodo is also a good resource for tutorial videos and practice games.
**Math homework will be given Monday to be turned in on Friday.  This is taken as a grade if completed, so please use the homework to review concepts with your child.  Xtramath can also be used to increase math fluency.


We will work on complex sentences and subordinating conjunctions.  I will start to incorporate an Affix study to help with vocabulary.  
Our mentor text for the week is The Great Turkey Race.
Our vocabulary words for the week are: chilly, decide, mighty, obstacle course, bale, barely.

Please utilize Edmodo for games and tutorial videos at home.

Ms. Palmer's Classes
It's all about decimals this week.  We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Homework will be given on Mondays and will be collected on Friday mornings
Please have students log on to xtramath.org in their spare time, to help with basic fact fluency. Also, tenmarks.com is an awesome resource for students to practice concepts taught in class. Students have login information in their agendas.

We will begin our informational writing unit!

No Writing Homework.

Ms. Hill's Class
Decimals! Decimals! Decimals! We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals. This week students will primarily focus on dividing with decimals. Students will take decimal test on Friday.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. Please encourage your child to complete homework daily. 
Websites:  Khanacademy.org, iLearn, X-traMath, Studyjams.scholastic.com,

Social Studies-

We will continue to focus on a Changing Nation. This week your child will focus on famous inventors, scientist, and other notable key figures. Students are in need of more glue sticks, color pencils or crayons. These items are used almost daily to complete interactive notebooks. Key historical figures : The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, & Alexander Graham Bell. 

Mrs. Griggs' Classes

This week we will continue working with decimals - adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. We will also focus on reviewing place value,  multiplication fluency, and division.
Vocabulary Focus:  decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, compare
Website:  Khanacademy.org 

In reading this week we will be working on point of view. Our extended text has been Wonder this quarter.  We will have a quiz on what we have read so far on Friday.

Week of November 6th

Mrs. Anderson's Classes

It's all about decimals this week.  We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Please have your child to practice math using the websites TenMarks.com and educationgalaxy.com .  TenMarks login information for parents will be sent home Monday.  Please don't forget to ask your child for this very important document. 

Websites:  Khanacademy.org, studyjams.scholastic.com, funbrain.com, IXL.com

Decimal Models Demonstration 

We will continue to study our classification unit.  Students will need to study the following: five kingdoms, classification chart (phylum, class, order, family, genus, species), classes of animals (birds, mammals, amphibians, and fish), vertebrate and invertebrate, nonvascular and vascular plants, gymnosperm, angiosperm, xylem, phloem

Interactive Website for Classification
 studyjams.scholastic.com,  sheppardsoftware.com

Ms. Summers' Classes
Decimals will be our focus this week.  We will continue to write them, read them,  model them and add and subtract them.  Some groups will begin multiplying and dividing decimals.  It is important that you also continue to multiply and divide at home as well.
Did you know:  The homework is a great way to see what we are doing in class.  The Khan Academy link on the blog has tutorial videos that can help you, the parent, as well as your child practice the strategies we teach in class.  Edmodo is also a good resource for tutorial videos and practice games.
**Math homework will be given Monday to be turned in on Friday.  This is taken as a grade if completed, so please use the homework to review concepts with your child.  Xtramath can also be used to increase math fluency.


We will work on quotation marks and dialogue and I will start to incorporate a Affix study to help with vocabulary.  
Our mentor text for the week is I Need My Monster.
Our vocabulary words for the week are : panting, inspection, crouched, sleekly, menacing, and reject.
Please utilize Edmodo for games and tutorial videos at home.

Ms. Palmer's Classes
It's all about decimals this week.  We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Homework will be given on Mondays and will be collected on Friday mornings
Please have students log on to xtramath.org in their spare time, to help with basic fact fluency. Also, tenmarks.com is an awesome resource for students to practice concepts taught in class. Students have login information in their agendas.

We will begin our informational writing unit!

No Writing Homework.

Ms. Hill's Class
Decimals! Decimals! Decimals! We will add, subtract, multiply, and divide using decimals.  Students must know how to represent decimals using models. Continue to practice multiplication facts and division at home. 

Social Studies-

We will continue to focus on a Changing Nation. This week your child will focus on famous inventors, scientist, and other notable key figures. Students are in need of more glue sticks, color pencils or crayons. These items are used almost daily to complete interactive notebooks. 

Mrs. Griggs' Classes

This week we will continue working with decimals - adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. We will also focus on reviewing place value,  multiplication fluency, and division.
Vocabulary Focus:  

Website:  Khanacademy.org 


In reading, we finish our lessons on the Titanic where we have been comparing and contrasting characters, settings, and events. Our extended text is Wonder. We will use this book to help us explore theme and characterization further. Students will also become more familiar with their Lexile score for reading. This will allow them an opportunity to choose books from the Media Center that are more individualized for their reading ability.